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Frequently Asked Questions

Everything You Need to Know

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions our podiatry practice has received. If you still have a question for Naushad Banani, DPM, Inc., then please feel free to contact us. Please do not include any patient health identifiers through chats and email to better protect your privacy.


Schedule an appointment with the best podiatrist in California when you are ready by clicking here.

How can I schedule an appointment?

You must register on our patient portal first if you wish to become a patient and to schedule your appointment. Click here to be redirected to our page for registering and for more details.

Do you offer same day appointments?

Yes. If you are a new patient, then we request for you to register for our patient portal and complete our online intake forms promptly so that we can accommodate you and give the time that you deserve to address all your needs promptly.

Do you offer appointments outside of your hours of operation?

Yes. Upon special requests we can try to accommodate appointments at times that are convenient for you, even on the weekends. Give us a call to request an appointment outside our normal business hours.

What locations do you offer Online Podiatry Services?

We offer our services to anyone residing within the state of California. This includes but is not limited to San Francisco, San Jose, San Diego, the entire  San Francisco bay area, Los Angeles County, Sacremento County, Santa Clara County, Silicon Valley, and Orange County. Please contact us if you still are not sure whether we provide services in your area.

Do I need a referral for an appointment?

No. We are happy to schedule anyone with an online appointment that has a foot and ankle concern that needs to be addressed. You can call us first to determine if we can address your foot and ankle needs virtually or not if you are unsure.

Do you respond to calls, chats and/or emails after business hours?

Yes. Late night messages may not receive a response until the next day. We recommend active patients to use our online patient portal to send secure messages regarding your medical care to keep your personal health information protected and secure. We try to respond as promptly as possible and within the same day. We recommend dialing 911, if you have concerns that you consider an an emergency.

What conditions can you treat online?

See our page of Conditions for what we can diagnose and treat even with online video visits. If it's not present on this list, then please contact us by chat, email or call to see if we can take care of your foot and ankle needs.

Do you accept insurance plans?

Not at this time. Although we may in the future.

What are your rates?

We charge a flat rate of $100 dollars for new patients, and $50 for established or follow up patients. We do not have different charges for different hours of the day or hidden fees for additional time, but we do try to address all concerns within the allotted time scheduled. See our Rates page for additional details.

Can you submit claims to my insurance?

No, as we do not accept insurance plans for payment of services. But we would be happy to still treat you. We can provide documents to submit your own claims to your insurance carrier upon request; however, we recommend referring to your insurance carrier for additional information on whether they will reimburse you for our services.

Do you accept Medicare, Medicaid or Government insurance plans?

No. At this time, we do not accept patients with Medicare, Medicare Advantage, MediCal or Medicaid insurance carrier plans at this time due to the restrictions they have for covering televisit or telehealth services.  We recommend scheduling an appointment with a local podiatrist who is contracted with your insurance carrier for covered services. Contact us for any additional questions.

Do you provide second opinions?

Yes. We request that you submit any images, test results, clinic notes, or records from your prior care related to your concern by fax only. Only established patients can submit documents through our online patient portal at this time. This way we can save you lots of time and money from reordering tests or rescheduling, and provide you with our best opinion. Please contact us if you have any additioanl questions.

Can you send orders, prescriptions and referrals online to places close to where I live?

Yes as long as the locations you provide are within the state of California, and those locations accept online order transmissions or electronic fax. If you have specific locations in mind, then please provide that information at the time of your appointment, and we will accommodate you as best we can. See the complete list on our page of Services we offer with your online appointments. Please contact us by chat, email or phone for additional information.

Can you review my x-rays and MRI images, or my test results during my appointment?

Yes. As long as you have the tests performed at facilities where we have access to their online portal system, if you upload your results or images through our online patient portal, or the facility faxes us the results. For additional information, please contact us by chat, email or phone.

Can orders for tests, prescriptions, and referrals for consults sent be covered under my insurance plan?

We can send prescriptions, orders and referrals to your insurance plan's preferred(i.e. in network) locations so that these services may get covered. In some cases, it may depend on your specific insurance plan restrictions. We ask that you provide us with these locations as we may not be able to access your insurance plan details. With your consent, we can also work with your primary care provider to submit these orders together in order to attempt getting these services covered.

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